Sir Aimézing

Best Motivational Speaker In USA


“Thanks again for taking time to pour into our student-athletes at CAU. Very powerful and inspiring message that touched and moved to the athletes to not take life for granted. Continue to stay strong in your faith and keep changing lives in the process!”

-Coach Bivens, Head Men’s Basketball Coach Clark Atlanta University

“Aimé has exhibited what I believe is the most important attribute of a scholar and a leader. This attribute is the ability to wholeheartedly commit themselves to constant growth and improvement.”

—Dr. Roger Firestien President, Innovation Resources

 “This is a special person. I attended a "Mental CPR" virtual event put on by Sir earlier today, and to say that I left deeply energized, uplifted, impacted positively, and stimulated by the event would be an actual understatement. Sir's natural ability to lead, connect, organize and positively impact others shone through tremendously during the entirety of his 60-minute event focused on The Big 3, mental health, our passions/purposes, and an overall group discussion on the aforementioned and more. I derived so much value, made new connections, learned new things, and left inspired after attending Sir's event today in addition to having the good fortune of spending 60 minutes in his presence today. Thank you, Sir Aimézing! Keep inspiring, brother!”

~John Osberg, Principal and Supercharged Connecter at Ozmosis Consulting


Everyone Needs a Hero, Why Can’t It Be You?

Everyone Needs a Hero: Why Can’t it be You? is much more than a book title. It’s a mission statement, and the driving force behind Aimé Mukendi, Jr one of the best motivational speaker In USA.

Life is filled with obstacles. But with motivation, inspiration and dedication we can overcome adversity, change our lives, and become a force for change for those around us.